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Struggling Teens

Many would say that teens with behavior problems have issues that first start at home. They think home is where all problems are founded. Although, some may disagree and say that behavioral problems or other issues can start somewhere else and have another source.

Students had some perspective on how a teenagers home environment may affect their behavior and how to help prevent bad behavior before it happens. Their viewpoints varied slightly, but overall had the same concept.

“ I think that when kids or teenagers have bad examples at home they will grow up to be bad too. They will demonstrate the same characteristics to society as they saw at home. To prevent my child from making unwise decisions, I would warn them about life’s consequences if they chose to be bad,” said Alyssa O’berry.

Another student gave their opinion on the topic and it was slightly different from O’berry, but made you consider other aspects of life.

“ A person’s home environment does not necessarily affect their behavior. While home environments have an impact on people there are some instances where things are not pertaining to home. Although, a person can control or stop bad behavior by having discipline, which is taught at home. To deter my children from having bad behavior, I would teach them right from wrong,” said Damaris Ford.

Ford went on to say that he agrees that home environments sometimes may have an affect on behavior, but that is not always the case.

Furthermore, students were asked how they would handle their child if they were troubled.

“ Well depending on how bad my child is, I would try and help them or send them to military school if they are persistent with unwanted behavior,” said Laniya Dew.

“ If I had a child, I would try to help them out because I do not want to see him or her struggling. I want my children to want and to be able to come to me if they are having problems,” said Ford.

From sources there was an agreement on trying to help their child if behavioral problems were to occur.

Overall, students of Crete-Monee feel that a teenagers home environment may have a slight impact on their behavior in society. As an adult, if their children are struggling with behavioral problems or other issues they would try their very best to help them.

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